Thursday, July 5, 2007

My new (to me) faithful cruiser bike.

Today was our (I often abuse the first-person plural, but usually I am with Anna for these adventures, so give me the benefit of the doubt, at least I'm not referring to myself in the third person.) first big adventure into Helsinki from our school. It was supposed to be about 20-30 minutes, but our trip took more like two hours. We did get to see some of Helsinki's nicer suburbs and at least one urban thong. We also enjoyed some pretty cool pedestrian, bicycle, and car intersections. The first was this cool, tech bridge that spans the highway below. We saw a lot of folks enjoying the walk over and the view. There is great viewing platform at the center that juts out.

Later we found this cool tunnel/underpass. Again, its much more tech that necessary, but the extra effort and money spent give this small event a little something extra. It definitely has that international style feel that is generally lacking in Finland.

Espoo Pedestrian Bridge

The bridge is employs universal design principles to accomodate razor-scooter traffic as well.

Glass and steel boxes are not just for faceless corporations, everyone can enjoy them.

It's pretty cool how the rectangle on top is the same size and shape as the one on the bottom. It looks as if the box was on top and suddenly sunk below.

We finally made it to the Design Museum. There was a retrospective of a well-known Finnish ceramicist named Rut Bryk. Her work was very interesting and unique. She gets my award for best stage name by a woman artist.

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